The Benefits of Pet Therapy for Elderly Individuals - Vesta Elder Care Beware of scammers!!! Vesta Elder Care accepts payments only via its app. Please call at +91-8882545454 on a regular call before making any payment and verify the credentials of the representative you are in touch with.

The Benefits of Pet Therapy for Elderly Individuals

Pet Therapy for Elderly

Pets provide companionship when we are alone and down and they share our triumphs and joys when we are happy. They are our little mood boosters and our warmest best friends. Also known as animal-assisted therapy, pet therapy involves the use of pets to interact with the elderly to improve their quality of life. During this therapy, the seniors can walk with the animals; play with them, cuddle them and care for them. All this together has an overall positive effect on their way of living. Here are some benefits of pet therapy for the elderly:

  1. Increases Physical Activity

Walking around with a dog, playing, brushing, cuddling or even feeding encourages greater reflex and mobility among the seniors while reducing sluggishness. More movement from caring for a pet further lowers blood pressure and reduces stress, depression and anxiety levels. It also improves physical skills for more intense programs, such as swimming with dolphins and horseback riding among the elderly.

  1. Enhances Mental Activity

Pet therapy encourages problem solving skills and mental acuity among the seniors. Activities like teaching new tricks or an act of obedience to a dog offers incredible advantages, especially for the seniors suffering from dementia and other cognitive issues. It improves mental stimulation; increases socialization; strengthens the potential to plan for pet care; improves the sense of meaning and purpose; stimulates memory and calms all negative behaviors.

  1. Improves Communication

Communicating with animals requires the mastery of verbal speech which further facilitates communication skills in the elderly. This is specifically useful for seniors who are solitary and quiet. When dealing with such elderly individuals, the caretakers can start conversations by asking friendly questions about their pets. Interacting with animals even has psychological benefits. It is cathartic, amusing and healing.

  1. Alleviates All Discomforts and Worries

Pet therapy offers several emotional benefits, like increase security and bonding; improved social skills; increased confidence and self-esteem; low anxiety levels and reduced chances of depression. Another associated advantage of pet interaction is increase in emotional connectedness and decreased isolation. Simple interactions and basic activities like petting a dog or cat or feeding a bird or fish can often bring much joy to an elderly. And when the pairing is suitable, the positive emotional connection with an animal reduces the elderly’s negative expressions, like outburst, irritation and anger.

  1. Improves Control on One’s Environment and Life

Pet therapy in the company of a well-behaved and well-trained animal increases an elderly’s sense of control on their environment and life while reducing helplessness and powerlessness. Even feeding an animal gives the elderly a sense of relevance and responsibility.

To Conclude

That’s it! The companionship of a pet is an invaluable tool that brings engagement and purpose for people of all ages, specifically the seniors. It is a good way to combat isolation and loneliness; bring comfort while reducing stress and stimulating wellness and overall health.

So hesitate no more. Get straight to Vesta Elder Care services today and know how pet therapy can improve your elderly’s overall wellbeing and quality of life.


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