What are the Stages of COPD and Its Symptoms - Vesta Elder Care Beware of scammers!!! Vesta Elder Care accepts payments only via its app. Please call at +91-8882545454 on a regular call before making any payment and verify the credentials of the representative you are in touch with.

What are the Stages of COPD and Its Symptoms

What are the Stages of COPD and Its Symptoms?

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is basically a group of lung diseases that is common in people above 40 years of age and in those who smoke a lot. Some of the most common symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath and persistent cough. There are different stages of this disease segregated as per the progress it has made in an individual’s body. It is difficult to identify COPD in its early stages but without proper treatment it can get worse over time. Therefore, the earlier it is detected, the better is the outcome. In general, there are four stages of COPD. We will have a look at them below and also understand their symptoms and potential treatment.

The Early Stage

The early stage of COPD is mild. This is a stage where you may not even be aware that there might be some problem with your lung function. If your FEV1 stands between 70% and 80% of the predicted value, your healthcare provider will diagnose you with Grade 1 COPD.

There are no noticeable symptoms of the disease at this stage and even if you develop a few symptoms, you may not take them seriously. Common COPD symptoms at stage 1 include increased mucus production and cough. It is easy to mistake these early stage symptoms of COPD for flu. Doctors generally recommend bronchodilator medicine to open the airways in the lungs. You need to take these medicines through a nebulizer or inhaler.

The Mild Stage

You may suffer from stage 2 COPD if your FEV1 drops between 50% and 70% of the predicted value. Symptoms at this stage worsen from those at stage 1. Your mucus production and coughing gets severe and you may also experience trouble breathing while exercising or walking. It is this second stage of COPD when you actually realize that there’s something wrong with your body. You must seek immediate medical care from a healthcare professional at this stage. Treatment for stage 2 COPD includes pulmonary rehabilitation along with bronchodilator medicines. In case the symptoms get worse, you may require oxygen or steroids.

The Severe Stage

Stage 3 of COPD is severe with your FEV or Forced Expiratory Volume being between 30% and 50% of the predicted value. You might find it difficult to catch your breath while doing different activities. Symptoms of stage 3 COPD include coughing and trouble breathing that get worse with time. You may also notice getting tired easily than what was the case earlier. Other symptoms at this stage include:

  • Chest tightness
  • Swelling in the ankles
  • Frequent sickness or colds
  • Wheezing

The treatment options for stage 3 COPD are the same as those of stage 2 COPD.

The Very Severe Stage

Stage 4 COPD is very severe with your FEV going below 30% of the normal value. This is the time when your blood oxygen levels also go down and you are at the risk of developing lung or heart failure. Having trouble breathing even at rest is one of the major symptoms of stage 4 COPD. Treatment options include bullectomy, lung transplant and lung volume reduction surgeries to improve your breathing.

People in stage 4 COPD may have problems doing their regular activities and even after surgical treatment, they may require nursing care and companionship. For all this and more, you can depend on the expert and professional in-home care providers at Vesta Elder Care.

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